Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dont Say It

If i'm srpead out on the couch
watching Bad Boys 2 for the umpteenth time
dont say you love me
just cos you wanna flip channels
be upfront with me and see
if i can handle
and dont say it just to end fights
as a form of surrender
or to say goodnight
or cos its the right thing to do
say it cos its true

tell me you love me when it hurts the most
when it stings your pride
to let me inside
cos i'm being a bastard
dont say it as a plaster
when you're frustrated
to patch up a raw wound
cos when it goes septic
saying "i love you" just wont do

and if there's something you've forgotten,
a date you've overlooked,
dont say you love me out of guilt
love is an intricate quilt
of angst and desire and fear and fire
so to say it over and over
robs the weaving of its once unique design
dont say it to prove you dont want someone else
say it cos you know you're mine

say it cos the sun would melt if you didnt
cos the sky would grey over
plantes would collide
and all the greenest trees would turn to ash
say it cos its itching in your throat
like an emotional rash
that you just HAVE to reach and scratch
and quench that burning flame
dont say "i love you" like you say my name
or else you'll wear it out
say it only cos it must get out
cos it must get free

love me always
but dont always say you love me...

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