Saturday, April 01, 2006

My song.

Don't ask me about litote and elision,
my writing ne'er was anyone else's decision,
i can't use metaphors to describe everything:
love is music and i want to sing.

The endless use of hyperbole would fail
for i'm weaving the greatest, most magical tale,
and though my ballads may have a burlesque ring,
love is music and i want to sing.

Loosely lacing my lyrics with alltieration
would be like leaving the house with no destination;
what simple joy a simile can bring,
love is music and i want to sing.

But you can't write a song as a blank verse
and to misuse enjambment would be worse
than choosing epic over melody to be king;
love is music and i want to sing.

So i ignore structure and throw out the rules,
that kind of systematic writing is for fools;
i'm gonna belt this melody out in full swing:
i'm in love, now hear me sing!

1 comment:

ish said...

i can dig it, i can dance 2 it, i like ur song!