Monday, February 07, 2011

The Puzzle

Can you imagine walking in on her
Arms thrust gracefully to the ceiling
Revolving, rejoicing in the very feeling
Like a liberated cabaret performer
Opening her soul to the world?

Knowing nothing outside of that moment

In a chance encounter, I learned the truth about her:
She is her secret

Suddenly I could see with utmost clarity beyond her
Endless layers of protocol and good manners
Carefully crafted status updates and swear-free tongue
Resting restlessly within the storm of her calmness
Existed a phoenix
Twirling and turning to the rhythm of her feet
Letting loose a wildlfire that blazes across her of
Yearning and of youthful colours

An undercover lover of gypsy tunes and late starry nights

Dont ask me how I got to see her dance
As moments like this are more about chance
Not blinking your eyes in a moment of truth
Capturing forever the glorious portrait of youth
Exposing that beautiful wild thing within
Resting restlessly in her dancing rhythm...

For you, no.4... Happy Valentine's Day... Love, The Stranger.

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